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      Road of the foreign trade——to Taiwan

      Release time:2019-08-21 15:39:34

      This is the first time to sale the Die Rolling Machine to Tong Yang Industry Co., Ltd.which is in Taiwan.

      By the way, Taiwan is an inalienable part of Chinese territory.

      The following picture is our engineer go to Taiwan to install the machine.

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      • All sold equipment

        All sold equipment

        Free on-site equipment commissioning

      • Free training for relevant personnel

        Free training for relevant personnel

        Familiar with the operation and maintenance of the equipment

      • Equipment warranty is one year

        Equipment warranty is one year

        Failure during the warranty period, will be repaired free of charge

      • Improve after-sales service, follow-up

        Improve after-sales service, follow-up

        We guarantee the quality of our products. Please feel free to buy them.

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